Latest News

Tax Receipts

By |2020-06-15T10:55:06+10:0015th June 2020|

The End of Financial Year is fast approaching. Members will receive an email with a tax receipt shortly after the EOFY. If you have any issues please contact Gemma directly -

APF Facebook Page

By |2020-05-25T16:16:37+10:0025th May 2020|

Our Facebook page is live. Thank you to Vice President, Andrew Cock, for his work on this.

Workload and loss of autonomy.

By |2020-03-06T09:50:01+10:006th March 2020|

Workload and loss of autonomy continue to be the issues that most distress our members.  All schools are a different type and size and located in different demographic areas, and with staff with varying skills and talents, yet we still largely have a one size fits all approach, which is problematic. While the DET has worked hard to reduce the [...]

Testimonial from an APF Member

By |2020-02-13T11:20:37+10:0013th February 2020|

To the APF principal community, I have been an APF member for more than 25 years. I have had the good fortune to lead both a Primary school and a P to 9 College. At times the principal role can be rather isolated and this is where the strength of membership comes into play. Fortunately I have formed strong partnerships [...]

An opportunity to reset school and teacher work practices.

By |2020-02-10T09:15:45+10:0010th February 2020|

John Handley, APF Advisor   With all the external and internal expectations in our schools, establishing a mindset of teachers on productive and intrinsically rewarding practices must surely be a powerful impetus to their school year. In my experience, too much thinking on the what, and not enough on the how of teacher practice and classroom learning, is a recipe [...]

A primary school principals feedback

By |2020-02-10T09:07:08+10:0010th February 2020|

As a proud member of the APF I highly recommended and strongly encourage all Principal class officers to join this organisation. The support, advice and friendship over the years has been invaluable to me and many of my peers both personally and professionally. Over the years I have utilised  the support of the APF with complex staffing issues, industrial issues, [...]

Reflection and Celebration – Let there be Light! John Handley, APF Advisor

By |2019-12-12T12:55:56+10:0012th December 2019|

Amidst the tumult of school life in this final passage of time in the 2019 school year so often our physical, mental and emotional capabilities are stretched to the limit. It seems everybody wants something from us – the union sub-branch wants to talk about workload or consultation, the SEIL wants to meet regarding our 2020 AIP or PDP, parents [...]

101 Things you need to know about being a principal, Mark McKelson

By |2019-11-22T09:05:49+10:0022nd November 2019|

Blog 14—Interviews. What are we looking for? What are you trying to say? If you're reading this you have most likely had lots of experience on both sides of the panel. Like most of you, I’ve sat through a number of panels this term. What’s struck me is I seem to be looking for the same thing whether it’s a [...]

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