Latest News

AGM – Change of date

By |2023-04-05T15:32:43+10:007th October 2021|

Due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic we have decided to reschedule our yearly AGM from the 21st of October 2021 to the 2nd of December 2021. We are aiming to hold a face to face event at the Riversdale Golf Club, this will be a fantastic event and I urge you to save the date in your calendar. [...]

Staff and Student Vaccine Stakeholder Pack

By |2021-09-01T11:06:26+10:001st September 2021|

The Staff and Student Vaccine Policy Pack is now available under the members only section.   Please log in and download these PDF'S from the resource page, if you have misplaced your login please email

Tax Receipts

By |2021-07-08T15:58:06+10:008th July 2021|

Tax receipts for the 20-21 finance year are now being sent to members. Please check your email and remember to check your junk box. These get sent from our database as an automatic process and sometimes this can cause some issues with the way the receipt looks or the figure it comes out with. Please email me directly if you [...]


By |2021-10-07T11:48:58+10:0024th June 2021|

Our Annual AGM/PD is booked for Thursday 2nd of December at Riversdale Golf Club.   Please keep this date free in your calendar as it will be a fantastic event.

Tax Receipt’s

By |2021-06-24T12:25:19+10:0024th June 2021|

Tax Receipts will be sent after the 1st of July. These will be sent to your @Education email. If there are any issues with these, please email Gemma at

Bridging the Digital Divide

By |2021-06-01T12:26:26+10:001st June 2021|

The Bridging the Digital Divide team is in the process of finalising school contribution calculations and principals of eligible schools will be advised of their individual contribution before the start of Term 3. This communication will include a detailed breakdown of each school’s contribution calculation using the data entered into the Department’s IT Asset Management system. Following the confirmation being [...]


By |2022-09-09T15:06:34+10:001st June 2021|

How harmful is social media to teenagers’ mental health? According to one recent research study, social media is no more harmful than television was for young people in the 1990s.  The study looked at more than 430,000 young people aged 10 to 15 in the UK and US. It found no evidence that any link between mental ill health and [...]

Victorian Budget 2021-22

By |2021-06-01T12:23:28+10:001st June 2021|

The recent state budget highlights ongoing commitment to the educational sector and we commend the state government on recent announcements. With a combined investment of $716 million, ongoing commitment has been demonstrated in the key areas of student wellbeing,  teacher development and school infrastructure. Of particular interest and note is the $12.2 million allocated to reducing the administrative and compliance [...]

John Handley

By |2021-05-10T10:33:54+10:0010th May 2021|

After 5 years of service in supporting members and working with the executive team, John has advised that he is withdrawing from his service to the APF and stepping back in order to provide opportunity for others to contribute.  John has provided wonderful advocacy and support and has been a true champion for APF members.  Those who have worked closely [...]

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