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APF Positioning on Offenders with Ankle Bracelets in Schools

By |2025-03-03T09:07:22+10:003rd March 2025|

APF Media Statement - Enhanced Bail Supervision Pilot ProgramThe Enhanced Bail Supervision pilot program mandates that repeat offenders wear electronic monitoring devices (ankle bracelets) in mainstream secondary school settings. The APF strongly opposes this initiative and remains committed to working collaboratively with the government and relevant departments to explore alternative specialised education settings and programs for young people involved in [...]

Enterprise Bargaining Agreement

By |2024-04-19T10:44:51+10:0019th April 2024|

The current VSGA 2022 is due to expire on the 31 December 2025.  As a key bargaining agent for the Victorian Principal Class, we have commenced the process of engaging with members in order to develop the Log of Claims for the new EBA. Sessions with various groups and key stakeholders thus far have identified pressure points in the current [...]

New Employee Wellbeing Service Provider

By |2024-04-19T10:39:59+10:0019th April 2024|

From the commencement of this term the Department is transitioning to a new employee wellbeing service provider.  Converge International will now be delivering an expanded suite of Employee Wellbeing Support Services which replace the services offered by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). There are 8 new service offerings including coaching for people matters, career development, financial wellbeing, personal legal matters [...]

Major Boost to Strengthen School Cleaning Services

By |2024-02-02T09:31:06+10:002nd February 2024|

Whilst a commitment to strengthen cleaning services in schools through an improved operating model has been made, the outcome of the review is to continue with the current contracted service model.  This decision will certainly be met with disappointment by many school leaders who consistently express concern and despair at the lack of cleaning service delivery. We applaud the [...]

VAGO Report into Principal Health and Wellbeing

By |2023-07-24T10:22:58+10:0024th July 2023|

The recently released VAGO report into Principal Health and Wellbeing identifies that workload continues to be the most significant cause of poor health and wellbeing. Please follow the link to view the report in detail. VAGO REPORT- JUNE 2023

Resilience First Aid Certification

By |2023-05-03T15:08:35+10:003rd May 2023|

Resilience First Aid Retreat 2-Day Resilience First Aid mental health Certification Learning critical skills to proactively support mental health in others Please view the attached flyer for more details  2-Day-Resilience-First-Aid-CertificationJune2023

Victorian Curriculum F-10 Revisions

By |2023-05-03T10:23:06+10:003rd May 2023|

In light of upcoming revisions to the Victorian Curriculum F-10, the VCAA has provided a briefing pack for members to access. Click Here: Vic Curr F-10 Revisions Stakeholder Briefings April 2023

Education Summit- Reimaging the Principalship

By |2023-04-05T15:46:51+10:0024th March 2023|

Sixty experienced school leaders from across Victoria came together on Friday 17th March 2023, to discuss the challenges they face daily in an increasingly complex world. Facilitated by VASSP, VPA, PASS, CEP and APF, the work throughout the day was to discuss and develop a collective position, including possible solutions, to present to the broader education community (Department, Government, [...]

Time in Lieu

By |2022-12-14T08:26:14+10:0014th December 2022|

Written by A Metro Secondary School Principal I have been monitoring, with interest, the impact of TIL, these are the facts: Time in Lieu began on Monday July 25th and since that time teaching staff have accrued 485 hours of TIL. The acquittal for many of the hours has been completed, however, the time away from students has meant interrupted [...]

Recruitment and Retention

By |2022-11-28T12:19:20+10:0028th November 2022|

Attracting and retaining employees has proved a challenge in the wake of unprecedented levels of employee resignations and an increased desire for hybrid or work-from-home options. Mentorship is crucial to ensuring the success of newcomers: it provides opportunities for emulation, fosters employee relationships, and encourages integration with company values. Mentoring is different from Managing: The most critical element of becoming [...]

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